IDIA Lab Workshops

IDIA Lab sponsors regular hands-on workshops on a variety of new media arts approaches. These workshops are taught by IDIA faculty fellows, graduate assistants and staff. Please look below for upcoming and past offerings.

Video/Intermedia Workshops Spring 2011

ART 300A-001/ART 515 Maura Jasper

“Live Art”: Action, Participation, and the Everyday

Explore the foundations of Performance Art and “Live Art” practices and

Create your own works in response.

Fluxus, actions, happenings, and socially engaged art practices will be emphasized. Participation and interactivity through the use of YouTube, social networks, Skype, and live web TV will be encouraged, but not required in your work.

Mon/Wed Jan 10- Feb 4

4-6:45 PM The Photo Lighting Studio (AJ)

Artists discussed: Marina Abromovic, Valie Export, Allan Kaprow, Joseph

Beuys, Carolee Schneemann, Dick Higgins, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Harrell Fletcher,Santiago Sierrra, Gillian Wearing

ART 300B-001/ART 515 CRN05668 Victoria Bradbury

“Collaborative Electronic Performance with Jitter”

Feb 7-Mar 4, 2011, MW 4pm-6:45pm

Room #023, Architecture Building

In this workshop, you will build “patches” or programs in Max/Msp/ Jitter

software: learning the basics then building an interactive video project.

This class will work toward a collaboration with the Dance

Department–creating patches which will function during a performance

situation. You will participate in rehearsals with a collaborative team.

ART 300C-001/ART 515 CRN05676 Victoria Bradbury

“Video Live!”

Mar 14-Apr 8, 2011, MW 4pm-6:45pm

Room #023, Architecture Building

In this workshop, you will create video content, attend rehearsals,

configure equipment, and perform video during an April 1 performance date.

You will be expected to function as part of a collaborative team.